Our Clients
2015 Shelter Stats
Number of clients who received shelter in 2015: 393
Single men: 258
Number of families: 34
Adults in families: 61
Male: 35
Female: 26
Children in families: 74
The average adult age was 39 years.
The average age of a single male was 40 years.
The average age of an adult in a family was 35 years.
25% of shelter clients were 50 years of age or older.
The oldest client in 2015 was 67 years old.
The youngest client in2015 was 1.5 months.
Of 295 adults entering shelter, 52% (156) were Caucasian.
38% (113) were African American/Black.
9% (26) were other races.
Of 319 adults in shelter, 76% (244) had a GED or higher.
31% (99) had a high school diploma.
18% (59) had a GED.
27% (86) had some college education.
Of 295 adults entering in 2015, 12% (35) were Veterans.
9.2% (30) were chronically homeless.
44% (130) reported having some form of disability.
25% (74) reported having a mental illness.
16% (48) reported having a physical disability.
12% (35) reported having a substance abuse problem.
14% (40) reported being a victim of domestic violence.
In 2015, 307 adults provided information regarding the cause of their homelessness. When primary and secondary causes are combined, the three most cited causes of homelessness (out of 17 categories) were inability to pay rent, unemployment, and relocation.
Causes of Homelessness
Prior Location
347 clients who entered/exited shelter in 2015 provided zip code data for their previous location.
106 different zip codes
69 individuals came from outside IA
278 individuals are from within IA
40 are non-Linn County
238 are Linn County
213 are Cedar Rapids
Exit Data
Destination at Exit
Of 295 adult clients who exited shelter, 83% (246) exited with some form of income (employment, SSI, SSDI, food stamps, unemployment, etc.).
52% (153) exited with employment.
Of the 272 households (28 families and 244 single men) who exited in 2015, we were able to contact 45% (123) of them six months after they exited shelter.
Of these, 71% (87) were still housed.
58% (71) heads of households were still employed.
2015 Prevention Stats
In 2015, Homeless Prevention served 155 individuals.
113 single adults.
16 families.
19 adults in families.
23 children.
* Most of our 2015 Prevention data was lost. 2016 will have more statistics.
2015 SSVF Stats
October 1, 2015 through June 21, 2016
74 households served by Willis Dady SSVF Staff
100% were literally homeless
0% received prevention services
13 were carried over from 2014-2015
61 were new for 2015-2016
104 persons
87 adults
17 carried over from 2014-2015
70 new in 2015-2016
17 children
2 carried over from 2014-2015
15 new in 2015-2016
29 still active as of June 21, 2016
45 exited as of June 21, 2016
36 exited to rental
2 exited to jail
2 exited to family/friends permanently
1 voluntary exit for housing wait list
1 voluntary exit to HACAP
1 unknown/disappeared
2 literally homeless at exit
46 in rental (active and exited combined)